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The Power of World Cancer Day: Uniting the World to Beat Cancer


Cancer is a devastating disease that affects countless individuals and their families. In spite of the remarkable progress made in the field of science and medicine, the number of cancer cases continues to rise, with some even experiencing a rejuvenation. World Cancer Day is an opportunity to raise awareness and increase public understanding of this disease, as well as to extend support and companionship to those battling it.

About World Cancer Day 

World Cancer Day is a global event aimed at raising public awareness about cancer and its prevention, detection, and treatment. This event is held on the 4th of February every year.

Definition of World Cancer Day 

World Cancer Day

Over the years, heartbreaking stories and days of struggling with the “cancer” sentence have never ceased to haunt many families. Most of them are cases of hopeless late detection, treatment, and waiting for miracles. The development of modern medicine and technology has increased the value of “Early Screening” for dangerous and common cancers.

Awareness about cancer is known to almost everyone, read through news channels, and even witnessed reality. But the number of people who actively protect their health against these terrible diseases is very few. While there are types of cancer that can be cured if detected early and with the correct intervention methods. 

Every year on February 4, not only the health sector but the whole world has many meaningful activities to respond to Cancer Prevention Day with the desire to remind and raise public awareness about cancer, how to prevent cancer, and how to prevent cancer

The development of modern medicine and technology has increased the value of early detection of dangerous and common cancers. Therefore, it is extremely important that we all actively take part in cancer prevention, by having regular health check-ups, living a healthy lifestyle, and being aware of the signs of cancer. 

Early detection and early intervention can mean the difference between life and death. It is our responsibility to do our part to prevent cancer by taking preventative measures. Let us all work together to help spread awareness and understanding about this terrible and heartbreaking disease so that we can protect our families and loved ones.

History of World Cancer Day 

World Cancer Day was proposed in 2008 by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) and is celebrated every year on this day. February 4. This is a campaign built to resonate, inspire and unite the activities of the whole world to fight cancer.

Themes of World Cancer Day

Each year, World Cancer Day will have its own theme. That topic will have its own meanings and tasks, aiming to improve people’s initiative in cancer prevention. 

2018 Theme: “We can. I can.” 

Themes of World Cancer Day 2018

From 2016 to 2018, the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) declared ‘We Can. I can.’ as the theme for World Cancer Day. On Sunday, February 4, 2018, people and communities around the world will come together to raise awareness about cancer and support the goals of the World Cancer Declaration, which was written in 2008.

This day serves to unite individuals and communities to work towards reducing the impact of cancer globally by 2020. The Empire State Building in the United States will be lit in blue and orange, in the colors of the UICC, for the eighth consecutive year. The theme of ‘We Can. I can.’ will mobilize individuals to create more discussion about cancer and make it a priority issue.

2019 Theme: “I am and I will” 

2019 Theme I am and I will

The theme of World Cancer 2019, “I am and I will”, is a powerful reminder of our individual ability to make a difference.

Each of us has a role to play in the fight against cancer, whether we are healthy or battling cancer. Whether it’s through raising awareness, advocating for better public health policies, or providing support to those affected by this disease, each of us can make an impact. positive.

We must stand together and realize that together we can make a difference in the fight against cancer. Our collective action will help ensure more cancer survivors and those affected by the disease can live with dignity and hope.

2020 Theme: “I can. We can.” 

2020 Theme I can. We can

World Cancer Day 2020 is a reminder of the power of collective action in the fight against cancer. Theme “I can. We can.” speaks to the importance of each of us using our individual abilities to act collectively, to make a real difference in the fight to reduce the global cancer burden.

On the other hand, this topic can also be seen as an extremely powerful encouragement for those who have been or are fighting Cancer. Cancer is a brutal battle, but if I can make it through, you can too.

Collectively, we can take action to raise awareness and improve access to early detection, diagnosis, and treatment. We can also provide support to those affected by this disease and work to reduce cancer risk factors by promoting healthy lifestyle choices. Together, we can make a difference in the global fight against cancer and create a healthier future for everyone.

Impact of Cancer 

Long ago, before science had developed, if someone had cancer, it would be considered a death sentence because of its seriousness. Currently, although medicine has advanced and there are treatments that reduce the risk of cancer as well as the mortality rate, this is still a nightmare for mankind. So how can cancer destroy the body?

Types of cancer 

When it comes to cancer, most of us will immediately think of the death scythe. This comes from the seriousness and fact of death caused by this disease.

What Is Cancer?

Cancer is a disease that occurs due to the disorganized division of cells, they invade and grow directly to tissues or metastasize to nearby organs. The cause of cancer is a genetic mutation. To be more specific, the damage of DNA is the source for the formation of malignancies.

Most cancers show no symptoms in the early stages. Most patients find out they have cancer at an advanced stage with a high risk of death. To determine the danger of malignant tumors, it is imperative to resort to biopsy measures.

Types of cancer 

Cancer is considered a dangerous disease, it is necessary to be careful to detect it as early as possible.

Lung cancer

Lung cancer

This is a common disease in both men and women, very common worldwide. There are many causes of this disease such as chronic bronchitis, long-term smoking, living a long time in a polluted environment or working in a toxic environment, and genetics, …

Common signs in people with lung cancer are sudden weight loss, coughing a lot with sputum and blood, shortness of breath, chest tightness, frequent infections, etc. Want to limit the risk of disease, good It is best to stay away from alcoholic beverages, tobacco, polluted environment, and many toxic chemicals, … and one should have regular health checkups every 6 months – 1 year.

Pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer

The 5-year survival rate of patients with pancreatic cancer is 7.2%, so this is also considered one of the deadliest types of cancer. The pancreas is located just behind the abdominal peritoneum, small in size, secreting enzymes to digest food and producing hormones to regulate blood sugar.

People born into a family with people who have had pancreatic cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, stomach disease, diabetes, etc. have a high risk of pancreatic cancer. The ability to detect this disease early is very difficult, so most cases are detected when the disease has invaded and metastasized. Although now medicine has developed, the treatment to increase the survival rate for patients is still a big challenge.

Gallbladder cancer

Gallbladder cancer

The 5-year survival rate for patients with gallbladder cancer is 17.9%. The disease begins in the gallbladder – a small pear-shaped organ on the right side of the abdomen, below the liver. It contains digestive juices, which are bile produced by the liver.

Because there are no typical symptoms, gallbladder cancer is difficult to diagnose. On the other hand, the relatively hidden nature of the gallbladder also allows the disease to grow undetected. Patients may experience some symptoms such as abnormal weight loss, jaundice, itching, loss of appetite, and pain in the right abdomen, …

Stomach cancer

Stomach cancer

People with esophageal cancer have a 5-year survival rate of 17.9%, so it is also in the top of the most dangerous cancers to watch out for. The disease usually begins in the cells lining the inside of the esophagus or anywhere along the esophagus.

Esophageal cancer is of two main types: glandular and squamous cells. Adenocarcinoma mainly occurs in the lower esophagus; Squamous cell cancer mainly occurs in the middle of the esophagus. In particular, squamous cell esophageal cancer is more common worldwide. Factors that increase the risk of this disease are acid reflux, precancerous lesions in the esophagus, Barrett’s esophagus, and smoking, …

Liver Cancer

Liver Cancer

This is a type of cancer that is on the rise worldwide. In our country alone, each year this disease claims the lives of over 22,000 people. In the early stages of the disease, there are often no obvious signs, but only when the disease is severe, it is discovered.

People with liver cancer often have anorexia, abnormal weight loss, dark urine, jaundice,… The high-risk group for the disease belongs to people who have hepatitis B, often smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol. …

Colorectal cancer

70% of patients with colorectal cancer face the risk of death. However, if detected early, this disease can be cured at a rate of over 90%. It is worth mentioning that people with colorectal cancer often do not detect the disease early because its signs are not obvious.

Colorectal cancer

Ovarian Cancer

Often cases of ovarian cancer have no specific symptoms. If symptoms appear, it is very easy to be related to other health problems. Because it is difficult to detect, it is also one of the most dangerous types of cancer. This disease usually occurs in women aged 63 years and older.

Ovarian Cancer

Women should be cautious when they have the following signs: persistent bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, unusual diarrhea or constipation, spotting in the middle of the menstrual cycle, or bleeding vagina after menopause…

Blood cancer

Blood cancer

Leukemia is dangerous cancer because it originates in the bone marrow, which is responsible for the production of blood cells. The occurrence of the disease causes underdeveloped blood cells to be produced into the bloodstream and makes the immune system become weak, the patient is susceptible to infections, blood clotting disorders, and fatigue, …

It is worth mentioning that leukemia can appear in any subject and at any age. However, the highest incidence rate to date, accounting for 90%, is in adults.

Prevalence of cancer

Around the world, about 10 million people die from cancer every year. Cancer is considered the second leading cause of death worldwide. Of these, 70% of cancer deaths occur in low- to middle-income countries. However, at least a third of common cancers can be prevented by reducing exposure to risk factors such as tobacco, obesity, inactivity, infections, alcohol, and environmental pollution. environment, occupational carcinogens, and radiation. Besides, some cancers such as liver cancer and cervical cancer can also be effectively prevented through vaccination against the hepatitis B virus and human papillomavirus. In addition, cancer screening tests are also a measure of early detection and timely treatment of cancer. 

Impact of cancer on individuals, families, and society

Cancer has serious consequences.

For individuals, cancer patients will be eroded in health, especially terminal cancer patients.

As for the family with cancer patients, not only the patient but the rest of the members will also be affected. They must take medical measures to disinfect, and avoid the risk of infection during patient care. On the other hand, the cost of cancer treatment is quite high, so they have to bear a greater economic burden.

For society, the high rate of cancer will reduce the quality of life and bring a lot of pressure to the health sector. The rate of cancer patients getting younger and younger is a serious problem because they are the main labor force of every country.

Strategies to Reduce the Impact of Cancer 

Cancer is a threat to human health, so all of us, whether healthy or fighting it, need to be mentally prepared to prevent and cure the disease.

Strategies to Reduce the Impact of Cancer 

Early detection 

Benefits and effects when cancer is detected at an early stage

Lesions detected at an early stage will bring high treatment efficiency to patients:

  • Completely curable. Many cancerous lesions can completely cured such as stomach, colon, breast, prostate, thyroid, etc.
  • If not completely cured, it is possible to prolong the living time and improve the quality of life thanks to minimal interventions and the status of the tumor has not metastasized …
  • Preserve maximum body function. For example, dissection of an early gastric cancer lesion requires only dissection of the mucosa and submucosa a few centimeters from the lesion, leaving a small scar; During gastrectomy, part of the stomach must be removed or completely removed.
  • Reduced hospital stay and patient visits. For example, if submucosal dissection is an early gastric cancer lesion, the patient only needs to stay in the hospital for 1-2 days; but if you have to have gastrectomy, you will have to stay in the hospital for 5-7 days.
  • Cost savings from procedures to hospital stays.
  • Ensure the ability to work and limit the time off work due to having to go to the hospital.
  • Minimize psychological impact on patients and families.

Access to treatments 

With timely detection and proper treatment, cancer can be cured. Therefore, the patient should not be subjective but try to be able to overcome the disease. Below are some of the most common cancer treatments available today.


surgery of Cancer

For the majority of cancer patients, surgery is considered an important and effective treatment. Surgery is divided into two types: radical surgery and symptomatic relief surgery.

Radical surgery: This is the most common treatment for patients with cancer that is detected at an early stage. Surgery is to remove the tumor and drain the lymph nodes.

Surgery to relieve symptoms: For patients with late-stage disease, doctors will use this treatment method. The main purpose of surgery is to reduce compression and prevent the risk of ulcers and infections to help patients relieve symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Depending on the patient’s condition, doctors can combine surgery with a number of other treatment methods such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and endocrine, … to achieve the highest treatment effect.

However, patients should be aware that cancer surgery can also cause life-threatening complications or affect the physiological function of some parts of the patient’s body. The doctor will consider minimizing the risk of damage to vital organs. In case the malignant lesions have spread to many other organs, surgery is no longer suitable.



This is how radiation is used to kill cancer cells. Including external radiation and brachytherapy. Inside:

External radiation is a source of radiation located outside the body, such as radiotherapy machines. Doctors will use these machines to shine on the diseased area of the patient’s body to destroy cancer cells. This method is very suitable for patients with early-stage disease.

Brachytherapy: With this method, a radioactive source will be placed in the patient’s body. This method is often combined with external radiation and some other methods.


This method is often applied to treat patients with advanced cancer, when surgery or radiation therapy cannot bring high efficiency. Some cancer drugs and chemotherapy can stop the growth of the disease.


Cancer treatment chemicals are all cytotoxic. Therefore, doctors and patients must carefully consider when applying this method based on a number of factors such as the stage of the disease, the patient’s age, the patient’s condition, etc.

Research and innovation 

The more you learn about cancer, the more you will learn about its treatment and prevention. Thereby, we will reduce the number of cases as well as reduce the death rate.

There are many patients who have overcome and completely recovered from cancer, and they widely share their journey from the time they started treatment to the dietary methods and drugs they used to treat. They are a source of positive energy and hope for those in similar circumstances.

On the other hand, scientists are still working hard to find many different methods to reduce or even eliminate the harm caused by cancers. In the future, with their hard work and the development of medical science and technology, we can fully expect cancer patients to be easily cured.

However, before that day comes, we need to pay attention to a healthy lifestyle and have regular health checkups, to minimize the risk of cancer. The revolution against cancer can be a victory.

Ways to Join World Cancer Day 

There are many activities to raise awareness about Cancer. These can be inspirational activities, workshops, and fundraising for cancer patients. On this day, all over the social network, you can see posts sharing about the lives of cancer patients, words of encouragement, and sharing. All of this makes this day meaningful and rewarding.

Ways to Join World Cancer Day 


Participate in events 

There are many campaigns and events every year to share knowledge and understanding about cancer, as well as stories about cancer patients. All of these help people have the most comprehensive and intuitive view.

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World Cancer Day event ideas

1. Online Cancer Awareness Campaign: Promote World Cancer Day and its importance on social media.

2. Fundraising event: Organize a fundraiser or event where people can raise money for cancer research and treatment.

3. Walk/Run for Purpose: Organize a walk/run in your community and get everyone involved. Ask participants to donate to a cancer charity before signing up.

4. Celebrate World Cancer Day: Celebrate World Cancer Day in your community. Invite cancer survivors and their families, as well as local health workers.

5. Host a Symposium: Invite oncologists to discuss the latest advances in cancer research and treatment.

6. Cancer screening events: Organize a cancer screening event in your community and encourage people to get screened.

7. Art Exhibition: Organize an art exhibition that displays paintings, sculptures, photographs and other works of art that focus on cancer awareness.

8. Cancer education session: Invite a cancer specialist to the education session about cancer types, symptoms, treatments, and prevention strategies.

Share personal stories 

Personal stories are the best evidence to bring motivation to those battling cancer, turning them into fearless warriors. The stories of their journey through treatment and even living with the disease are still being spread throughout the media, also contributing to raising people’s understanding and awareness.

Donate to cancer charities

Donating to cancer charities is a great way to make a positive impact on the fight against this devastating disease. It allows those affected by cancer to have access to the best treatments and resources available, while also providing those in need with much-needed support and funding. With the help of generous donations, many cancer charities are able to advocate, raise awareness, and fund research that can lead to groundbreaking advancements in cancer treatment. Donating to cancer charities is a wonderful way to make a difference and show your support for those affected by cancer.

How to Donate and Support Research for World Cancer Day 

1. Donations to Cancer Research Organizations: There are many cancer research organizations that rely on donations to fund their research and support cancer patients. You can find a complete list of cancer research organizations at GiveWell.org.

2. Donate to cancer charities: Many cancer charities exist to help make a difference in the lives of cancer patients and their families. Some of these charities have specific fundraising campaigns for World Cancer Day, while others provide ongoing support year-round.

3. Donate to Cancer Support Fund: Many times, cancer patients need help with expenses related to their treatment, such as medication, travel, and care costs. at home. Donating to the Cancer Support Fund helps provide these resources to those in need.

4. Volunteer at a local cancer charity: Many cancer charities rely on volunteers to help with their cause. You can help by providing administrative support, participating in fundraising campaigns or even attending events.

5. Educate yourself and others about cancer: Raising awareness about cancer is an important part of the fight against this disease. Learn as much as you can about different types of cancer, treatments, and the latest research. You can also share this knowledge with your friends


World Cancer Day is an opportunity for us to share with cancer patients, and raise awareness about cancer and how to prevent it. The more people respond, the sooner we will reverse the serious harm that cancer causes.

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