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911 Stories of Flagwix Customers: Reflections on September 11


Dear Readers,

As the anniversary of September 11th approaches, we reflect not only on the lives lost during the 2001 attacks but also on the profound gratitude we owe to the brave first responders, firefighters, police officers, and community service workers who risked everything to save others that day. This solemn occasion allows us to honor their courage, express our longing for peace, and cherish the precious moments we share with our loved ones.

In anticipation of this day of remembrance, we have been privileged to hear stories from 911 survivors, and from those who experienced the events firsthand. These accounts, shared by our customers who were directly involved or witnessed the tragedy, resonate deeply with us all. Join us as we revisit these powerful 911 stories and remember the impact of that day.

The Ground Zero Flag
The Ground Zero Flag

We named this story The Beauty of a Soldier’s Heart – with a brave and courageous heart but never stopping the desire and hope for good things.

None of us wish for disasters, whether they are natural or the unexpected tragedies of life. However, when they do occur, we must confront them with courage, faith, and hope, even when surrounded by pain and loss. This faith and hope allow for renewal and rebirth from the ashes.

This is beautifully illustrated in the story shared by our customer, Omothero:

"My husband left the pentagon area and rushed home to get his search and rescue dogs to head to NYC the morning of 911. He took a photo near the twin tower site of one small red flower coming up by the sidewalk thru the clouds of dust and debris that had totally settled over the whole area. There was genuine care and compassion among the people at that time "

We were profoundly moved by this story, as it captures the extraordinary spirit of a first responder. Despite the overwhelming challenge of facing life and death during rescue operations, this hero still sought out moments of beauty—a flower blooming amidst the ruins—as a symbol of hope and renewal. It serves as a reminder of the strength required to overcome human challenges.

Stories from the Heroes

We have gathered 911 stories of victims from the courageous heroes who participated in the rescue efforts during the events of September 11th. 

These stories come from professional firefighters and rescue personnel, whose expertise and dedication enabled them to navigate dangerous situations and save lives. Despite the immense risks and challenges, they always gave their all.

Let us hear their 911 stories of heroism and extend our heartfelt gratitude for their unwavering bravery and dedication. 

911 Firefighters Flag: Knowing How Firefighters Flags Honor Heroes & Flagging Bravery

the first American flag at Ground Zero
The first American flag at Ground Zero
“On this historic day, I was a volunteer firefighter/EMT with a small town in north central Florida. Not knowing what was to come, after both towers had been hit, we were all called to the station to be on standby. We remained at the station for more than twenty four hours before being released to go home, but to remain available. Florida was fortunate, and none of the remaining attacks were directed our way.”
A volunteer firefighter/EMT
“I am a volunteer firefighter and was assigned to an ambulance to respond to the scene and prepare to transport deceased victims back to south street seaport. One of our lieutenants who worked for Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan was missing. Later on there was a picture of him grabbing a woman for protection. We honor him and all the other people who were lost. Prayers to all!”
Volunteer firefighter

We hope for the continued safety and health of these heroic individuals.

The Heartfelt Stories of Survivors and Those Who Stayed Behind

For those who experienced the events of September 11, words cannot fully capture their emotions. Many hearts still ache with the memory of loved ones who now live on only in stories. 

Others are filled with pride and constantly pray for peace, knowing their loved ones were among the elite who bravely entered the scene to rescue and save lives.

Patriot Day: Pay Tribute To The Victims And Heroes With These 911 Memorial Flags

World Trade Center explsion
World Trade Center explsion
“My son was in the Air Force working on a B52 he made a sign that said LET'S ROLL on the B52 my son was and is very much for his country and he also got hurt fighting for his country and had several back surgeries I’m very proud of him”
“My 12-year-old son was going on his first airplane trip to Disney World in Florida on 9/11 with this aunt Karen. Karen wanted to drive to Indianapolis to start the trip because it cost less to fly from Indy to Orlando.
My son and my sister-in-law left our house at 4:30 am on September 11, 2001. I didn’t even get up to say goodbye because it was so early. They were on the plane from Indy at the time of the hijackings. I went to work as usual (being a Tuesday) and started hearing about the planes flying into the Twin Towers. My heart was beating so hard. I listened to the news and prayed they wouldn’t mention Delta since I knew he was on a Delta flight.
This was before cell phones were everywhere, there was no way to contact them to see if they were OK. We did not hear from them until late in the day. They did reach Orlando safely, but Disney had shut down due to the emergency. That was the worst day of my life. My number one thought was that I didn’t get up to even say goodbye to my son and now I might not ever see him again.”
“When I heard on the radio the first plane hit the first tower. I thought it was a tragedy, but when the second plane hit the second tower, I knew we were being attacked. So I told everyone to contact their families to make sure they were ok.

People thought I was overreacting but seeing it on the TV made all of us reflect on how precious time we have with our loved ones. I was living in Utah at the time and thought to myself how blessed I was because looking at the many photos of those who were missing, I thanked God I didn’t have to experience that kind of loss In my life.

I still pray for all who lost their lives to this day. We should never forget that day when we all were one, United as Americans. God Bless those people and God Bless America!”

The survivor stories from 911 shared by survivors and witnesses reveal diverse thoughts and perceptions. Some have gained a deeper awareness of the nation’s situation, while others have come to cherish the moments with loved ones more profoundly—reflecting on caring words, farewells, and beautiful memories.

These reflections inspire a broader sense of sharing, love, empathy, and compassion among people. Though disasters are unwelcome, if surviving them is a miracle, then spreading that miracle by helping others is what enables us to overcome challenges together.

Feelings of Anxiety and Horror

The horror of the September 11 attacks was felt not only by those directly involved but also by witnesses and the American public, who experienced the gravity and fear of this tragic event. Let’s explore their perspectives.

“I worked for Us Airways on 9/11 in the refund department call center. One of my coworkers was on the phone with a customer when the first plane hit the World Trade Center and the customer was watching TV when she told my coworker what she was seeing at first we just thought it was an accident then the other plane hit the World Trade Center and we realized we as a nation was under attack.

Our manager called the whole department together and told us to go home so we could be with our loved ones. Flight attendant Sandy Bradshaw from Greensboro NC was on flight 93 that crashed in the field in Philadelphia.”
“I bought a 9/11 flag a few years back. I love it.
My story begins on the morning of September 11. I was a New York City firefighter at the time. I recently retired for a few years. That Morning my engine company responded. I made it to the 29th floor with my eng company. We were going all the way up to the 68 Floor to help put out fires when the whole building shook. At that point, we were told to vacate the building. We made it to the lobby but we were missing one man. The boss went back with another member to see if they could find him in the stairwell. Me and my partner waited in the lobby showing people how to get out of the building when no else was coming down. We walked back into the stairwell to see if the boss needed a hand. As soon as We got to the stairwell. We heard metal twisting far away.

And heard a boom, boom, boom, I knew the building was coming down and the wind was blowing up into our faces. We got down to the ground, moved to the wall of the stairwell, and kept saying God's not gonna let anything happen to us. We will be OK repeated many times. thought of my family and figured it would be quick. When everything settled, me and my partner Were still alive trying to figure out how we realized how lucky we were to be alive. We knew we were blessed. We were trapped for five hours before being rescued. It took us about an hour and a half to walk through the debris to get to where the street was. We called the family. I passed out and woke up in the hospital that night. God left me here for a reason.

I try to help others as often as I can. The full story can be head, (report from ground zero)or the miracle of stairway B there is a total of 13 firefighters trapped that day. The only survivors along with one for port authority cop and one civilian everybody else Perished. Enjoy your life that God has given you best you can. Thanks for listening”
“We were in the office of Roman trucking that morning. The staff arrived and said that a plane hit the Twin Towers so we locked up and went to the highest bridge in the Elizabeth NJ port - very soon we saw the second plane make a left turn and hit the tower- it was intense !! We then realized we were under attack. We took shelter in our office and dispatched our trucks that were still in NY to get them safely out - what a painful day! GOD BLESS AMERICA! And keep us safe.”

This event profoundly impacted the entire United States, heightening awareness of the need to cherish and protect our nation. People realized the importance of solidarity, empathy, and sharing. Understanding the value of unity and peace strengthens the nation and helps prevent negative events from occurring on our soil.

Flagwix Stands with You on 9/11 Memorial Day

As we commemorate September 11 and remember the events at the Twin Towers, Flagwix stands with you to express gratitude to the first responders and promote the message of peace.

We offer a selection of gratitude 911 flags, specially designed for this occasion. Visit our website to explore a variety of designs that allow you to pay your respects and spread positive energy.

In addition to memorial activities such as flying flags at half-staff, offering flowers, and saluting the memorial flag, choosing a decorative flag from Flagwix is also a meaningful way to participate in this solemn occasion.

Let’s take a look at how other customers are honoring this day.

In Wrapping Up

We hope that the real 911 stories shared about September 11 will inspire you and evoke a range of emotions in your heart.

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